Deep South Para Comicon

Books by Leitreanna Terry-Brown

Leitreanna Terry-Brown comes from a long line of supernatural believers spanning over a period of five generations. Native to the southern United States, Ms. Brown is a paranormal investigator, shaman, public speaker, and storyteller. She has also added “writer” to her list of accomplishments with the following published works. 

Three Books on Amazon

Family Spirit: The Origins of Five Generations of the Supernatural” is a compilation of several cases to which the writer has a personal affiliation. Ms. Brown comes from a family of paranormal investigators. Each member is from a distinct time period; this aids each new generation with the opportunity to dig deeper within the family’s spiritual mediumship. 


The next book by Leitreanna Terry-Brown is “Parapsychology 101: Beginning Your Journey of the Unexplained”. Leitreanna Brown will be your guide throughout this book as you embark on a journey of the unknown. Each page you read will bring you new comprehension and understanding of the spiritual world. Being a fourth-generation ghost hunter qualifies Ms. Brown to know how to tell the difference between what is real and what is fake. 


Tales in the Dark: Collected from Folklore and Retold by Leitreanna Terry-Brown” is a fun book filled with spooky tales. If you enjoy telling stories to friends and family while sitting around a campfire this is a book for you! Readers from the 5th grade and up will find this book thrilling to read. 

Come Meet Leitreanna Terry-Brown

If the thought of meeting a real-life paranormal investigator has piqued your interest, come to the Deep South Para-Comi-Con on August 19-20, 2023.  Leitreanna Terry-Brown will be at the event. Ms. Terry-Brown is a special guest who will also be doing a book signing of her three books. Meet Leitreanna Terry-Brown at the Deep South Para-Comi-Con in Ozark, Alabama on August 19-20,2023.