Deep South Para Comicon


Do you get excited at the thought of volunteering to help local charities? If so, why not sign up to work as a volunteer at the Deep South Para-Comi-Con this October 05 & 06, 2024? We donate a part of our profits to local charities.

Only the serious need apply

If you are not serious about your commitment to being a volunteer worker at the Deep South Para Comi-Con we would prefer you not apply. Volunteer work involves a lot of long, tedious hours. Most of which you will be expected to spend on your feet. In addition, if you had planned on appreciating the event on a personal level, being a volunteer is not the way to do it. You will be expected to perform a certain task to help keep our Event clean and safe. Sweeping floors, mopping up messes and cleaning bathrooms might be something you are asked to do. The idea is to make the attendees comfortable and make sure everyone is following the rules.

The benefits & rewards are plentiful

However, although the hours are grueling, and the work sometimes appears difficult, there are bonuses to being a DSPCC volunteer. The biggest reward is learning the ins and outs of how a convention operates. You also have the opportunity to meet some really cool special guests and even celebrities. Not only that, but you will leave the convention with some new friendships that share your interests.

Cool perks of being a volunteer

All volunteers receive a T-Shirt with the DSPCC logo and the dates of the convention. This T-Shirt must be worn at all times while on duty. You will be granted admission each day of the convention when wearing your volunteer T-Shirt. In addition, wearing this T-Shirt earns you bragging rights after the event as proof of your participation in the Deep South Para-Comi-Con!

We will also provide all volunteers with water, snacks, and lunch on both days of the convention.

Note: We will have a refreshment/Break area for our volunteers and staff. We do not pay for Food vendor items for the volunteers or staff.

Weekend availability is mandatory!

If it is going to be a problem with working Friday, and Saturday–please do NOT volunteer!! Each day of the Deep South Para-Comi-Con event is going to require dedication and hard work. Guests of the convention are paying a lot of money to ensure a quality event–therefore, if you have conflicting, outside issues we would prefer you not to sign-up as a volunteer. If you want to partake in the event activities and program, then purchase a ticket for admission and enjoy the convention as a guest!

Complete the volunteer request form

If you think being a volunteer at the DSPCC event sounds like something you really want to do–then by all means complete the volunteer form bel!

We welcome all the help we can get! Keep in mind that you are volunteering to participate and work for at least two days.

Additional note: All volunteers must be at least 18 years of age (proof may be required) on the date of the event.