Deep South Para Comicon

Ken Gerhard

Ken Gerhard

Ken Gerhard is a widely recognized cryptozoologist, author and lecturer who frequently appears on television.

Ken has traveled the world searching for evidence of mysterious creatures including Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, the Chupacabra, Mothman and the Beast of Gevaudan.

In addition, he’s written six books on the subject of unknown animals. His research has been featured on numerous TV shows including – Missing in Alaska, MonsterQuest, Ancient Aliens, America Unearthed, The UnXplained (with William Shatner) and Legend Hunters.

Ken has appeared on major networks including Travel Channel, Science Channel, National Geographic, Syfy and Animal Planet.

He can currently be seen on the History Channel series –
The Proof Is Out There

Meet Ken Gerhard

He will have a booth set up at the Deep South Para-Comi-Con on
Aug. 9 – Aug. 10, 2025, in Ozark, Alabama. Come out and meet him in person. Purchase your ticket(s) today to ensure you don’t miss out on meeting him in person.

We will have Autographs for pre-purchase on the Deep South Para-Comi-Con, you can pick up the autographed photo on Saturday,
Aug. 9, 2025 at the Ozark Civic Center.