Deep South Para-Comi-Con

Debbie Hawk

Debbie Hawk-Hutchinson Cribb

Debbie Hawk-Hutchinson-Cribb was born in Wiesbaden, Germany on a U.S. military base. Her father is of Native Creek Indian Heritage and served in the United States Air Force. Her mother is of German Heritage. Debbie was primarily raised on military bases, mostly stationed in the European regions. At the age of 12, the family permanently relocated to the United States.

A Special Interest in Cryptozoology

Due to her extensive work with animals, Debbie developed a special interest in cryptozoology. She spent time working at various positions at “The Miami Metro Zoo”, “The Miami Serpentarium”, and “The Miami Seaquarium”. In addition, she had her own horse riding school in Homestead, in which she worked with horses and riders (adults and children). She also spent time working as a veterinary technologist for exotic veterinary clients.

Possessing a Unique Talent

At a very young age, Debbie discovered she possessed a unique talent. She was able to see and hear things others could not. She has always been capable of seeing places and people before she has encountered them. Witnessing an event as it unfolds in dreamtime before it takes place.

Debbie is an empath and these feelings engulf her similarly to a sixth sense. It overcomes her naturally, much like the act of breathing. Since the age of 5 or 6, she has had three spirit guides. These guides have been with her so long she cannot recall knowing anything different. Her primary spirit guide asked her to call her “Addie”–short for Addimere or Addymay. “Addie” is the most dominant of the spirit guides and often appears in her dreams.

In addition, both her parents were sensitive to these feelings; however, they were unaware of this until both were in their aging years. Although these talents are generational, neither parent influenced or taught her how to use them. She has actively worked with the spirits since a very young age and was not aware of these gifts until becoming a young adult following high school.

Work with Paranormal Teams

Due to her ability to channel the spirit world and has been able to help several people through the years.

Debbie is the founder of “The Hallowed Ground Paranormal Research Council”. She works with the “Webb Paranormal Group” as a case manager and investigator. Additionally, she will be working at the Deep South Para-Comi-Con for the second year.

She has a podcast/radio show, “Spooky Things with Debbie” on the “Webb Radio Network”. She can be heard on iHeart, Spotify, speaker, Facebook, and YouTube. She has worked with many influential guest speakers during the past two years of being on air.

Debbie also owns and operates the “Shadow Hawk Creations” and “The Jeweled Hawk” for several years. She sells items of Native American designs as well as the MetaPhysical.

Training with Well-Known Investigators

She has received training under several well-known people, which has provided an expansion to her education. She has used card readings to help people in past years; however, these activities ceased to continue her paranormal research.

Upon completion of her college courses in Animal Health Sciences, she earned a degree in Veterinary Technology. She then took classes in Demonology and Spiritual Warfare with Jereme Leonard. She is currently finishing up some classes with Ken Gerhard on Cryptozoology. Ken Gerhard can be seen on the History Channel and Hulu in “The Proof is Out There” and “The Unexplained”, starring William Shatner, streaming on Netflix and Hulu. Lastly, she is also took a class with Leitrianna Terry-Brown on “Angels”.

Come Meet Debbie Hawk-Hutchinson Cribb