Deep South Para Comicon
Aug. 9 – Aug. 10, 2025 in Ozark, Alabama Buy Now
Deep South Para Comi Con August 9 & 10, 2025 Email: Phone: 334-648-7967
Prepared for
This sponsorship agreement has been entered into as of (Agreement Date) between the following entities, collectively known as "the Parties"
Sponsor Name:
Promoter Name:
This document is a legally binding sponsorship agreement between the above-listed parties. Sponsor agrees to pay $ in return for the following: The sponsor agrees to provide the following to the Promoter for the use in marketing and promotion materials:
No employer/employee relationship is established or implied with the sponsorship agreement. The Promoter has no liability or responsibility to the Sponsor beyond the scope of the agreement.
The Sponsor grants the Promoter the right to use their intellectual property in promoting the event, including logos and other brand trademarks. If the purchase sponsorship package's nature must change for any reason, the Promoter agrees to notify the Sponsor in writing.
The purchased sponsorship package is not transferable for any reason. If the Sponsor cannot meet the financial requirements of this agreement, the Sponsor agrees to provide the written notification to the Promoter in a timely manner so that the Promoter may find another suitable sponsor.
The contract of laws of Alabama shall govern anything not expressly addressed in the sponsorship agreements' terms.
Check the package(s) you want:
Honorary Mention Sponsorship $50Silver Sponsorship $100Gold Sponsorship $150.00Cosplay's Sponsorship $400Gamer's Sponsorship $400Paranormal Sponsorship $545Supernatural Sponsorship $1,000
Guest of Your Choice- $1500
Tier One $2,000Tier Two $3,000Tier Three $4,000
*Note: We can create customized Sponsorships if you don't see anything that interests you. Please contact Teresa Fikes, at
Company: Contact Person: Address: Phone: Email:
List any pertinent information you want to be known to the public about your company, brand, etc... Call us or email us if you need too. We are here to help.
Total of the amount submitted $
Deep South Para Comi Con, Ozark Civic Center, or any of their affiliates will not be held responsible for any liability, stolen, damaged merchandise, or injury incurred during the event.
If you require any special accommodations or extra move-in time feel free to email:
Payment methods will be sent via the email to avoid scammers. We are doing everything we can to protect you. You are a valued part of our team!
I have read and agreed to the Terms and Conditions
Do not send money for anything except through our website. If you use Paypal do not send through friends & Family option. If you have any Complaints Please Email us at