Deep South Para Comicon

Jereme Leonard

Jereme Leonard

One of Louisiana’s Tangipahoa Parish has a professional firefighter named Jereme Leonard. He has been a paranormal investigator for the past fourteen years. He is the founder of the Cajun Ministry and is also known as the Cajun Demonologist

What are Demonologists?

Jereme Leonard belongs to a group that performs exorcisms to rid homes and individuals of malicious spirits possessing them. These homes and/or individuals are in the Mississippi and Louisiana areas, hence, the “Cajun” moniker.

A Published Author

Besides being a professional firefighter and demonologist, Jereme Leonard is also a published writer. In his book, “The Dwelling–A Dark Entity” he becomes personally involved in a family’s two-year demonic haunting. The story shows how Jereme was compelled to probe into and apply demonology to save the family from a hellish life. The book concludes with Jereme aiding the family and realizing he is meant to be a Demonologist.

Several Appearances on TV.

Jereme Leonard has made several television appearances, such as The Ghosts of Morgan City (2019); American Super/Natural (2014); and, most recently 28 Days Haunted (2022).

Host to a Podcast

In addition to his written and televised accomplishments, Jereme Leonard also hosts a podcast. His Paranormal Gumbo podcast offers listeners the opportunity to “take a journey into the unseen world of demons here and beyond”. When you listen to Jereme’s podcast you get to hear about the paranormal through a Demonologist’s eyes.

Come Meet The Cajun Demonologist in Person!

Come to the 2nd annual Deep South Para-Comi-Con in Ozark, Alabama to meet Jereme Leonard in person. Jeremy will be one of the featured guests at the DSPCC, on September 14-15, 2024. Purchase your tickets in advance today to reserve your spot to meet and hear all about Jereme and his paranormal experiences!