Deep South Para-Comi-Con

Sept. 14 – Sept. 15, 2024 in Ozark, Alabama  Buy Now

Jason A Schneider


Jason Schneider, President of LEP Productions, a production company headquartered in Ohio. With a diverse skill set encompassing acting, directing, and producing, Jason has been a part of numerous film projects over the past decade. His latest works include the widely acclaimed “Cruel Summer,” followed by its sequels, “Sequel” Cruel Summer II, and Cruel Summer III. Beyond his contributions to the film industry, Jason has over two decades of experience in paranormal investigations. His multifaceted background reflects a deep passion for creative filming and a relentless pursuit of the unexplained.

Stay Connected:

Two werewolves spend a hot summer evening chasing down their cocaine dealer. A touching story of friendship, loyalty, and perseverance.

Upcoming Movies

Five medical students discover a way to capture what you can’t see when you blink and the results are terrifying. A frightening journey into the macabre world that will make you NEVER BLINK again. In a blink of an eye, you will die.
Jason Schneider’s credits: Cop
Two werewolves spend a hot summer evening chasing down their cocaine dealer. A touching story of friendship, loyalty, and perseverance.
Jason Schneider’s credits: Lt. Sanders

Meet Jason Schneider

He will have a booth set up at the Deep South Para-Comi-Con on September 14-15, 2024, in Ozark, Alabama. Come out and meet him in person. Purchase your ticket(s) today to ensure you don’t miss out on meeting him in person.

We will have Autographs for pre-purchase on the Deep South Para-Comi-Con, you can pick up the autographed photo on Saturday, Sept 14th at the Ozark Civic Center.